An artificially composed drug MDMA, commonly known as Ecstasy or Molly is yet another highly intoxicating drug out there! I was quite surprised when I found out that it is also sometimes used to treat patients experiencing severe psychic disorders. This is because people suffering from severe depressions where no mental treatment will work fine or no medications show good results; Ecstasy has been found to produce feelings of happiness. However, many countries have imposed a complete ban on this most common drug amongst the youngsters, and now it is not even permissible to be used for medical purposes.
The point is, what this harmful drug does to your body? Or for how long does MDMA stay in your system? This blog today, will clear out all such confusions and give you answers to all queries you have regarding the popular drug ‘Ecstasy/Molly.’
Is MDMA REALLY harmful?
Because this drug directly reaches your intestines, it would not be wrong if I classify it as dangerous or even one of all the most dangerous drugs in the world. It is usually taken orally, and the content depends upon the consumer. Since it is artificially composed; so you will get a few varieties in the same name available with the drug dealers. The drug does not take much time to get metabolized, and primarily the organ responsible for conducting this job is the liver. About 20 to 40 minutes after the first shot, the consumer will start feeling a weird kind of euphoria with extreme nausea and stomach pain.
Loss of appetite is widespread amongst people who consume drugs like meth, alcohol, and cocaine. However, Ecstasy abnormally fastens your digestion process, and you will feel hungry quite a lot if you are a binge drinker. The effects of ecstasy abuse highly dependent upon the time for which this drug is staying in your system and your consumption frequency directly judge that. Let us check out the individual durations for which this drug occupies space in your urine, blood, breath, hair follicles, and saliva.
How long does MDMA stay in your system?
The duration for which a drug is staying in your system depends upon several factors such as the content of medicine, its purity, drug density and type, and obviously, how often you consume it. Be mindful of all these critical factors before judging the amount of time this drug resides in your body.
How long does MDMA stay in your urine?
Thirty minutes after you have consumed a shot of Ecstasy/Molly, whether in the form of a pill or a drink,' the drug is detectable in your urine. Generally, it can be identified from urinary tests for about 2 to 4 days, depending on the level of consumption. If you drink a lot of water, chances are it might flow away from your urine in duration lesser than what I mentioned.
How long does MDMA stay in your blood?
Blood tests are usually not preferred to detect if a person is high on Ecstasy/Molly. This is because the drug can stay in your blood for as long as 24 hours. Lesser consumption of concentrated consumption may even cause it to vanish it 4-6 hours.
How long does MDMA stay in your breath?
MDMA, also known as Ecstasy, is generally not detectable through your breathing. The drug does not have a powerful odor, and hence you can not tell if a person has just recently consumed it or not. Most drug addicts use chewing gums and other mouth fresheners to eliminate even the slightly sour smell that drugs produce.
How long does MDMA stay in your hair?
Many times, hair follicles tests are not preferred because they are expensive. However, Ecstasy can be identified in a consumer's hair about 90 days after taking it. That's why it's straightforward to find out after a criminal act or a fatal traffic accident if the victim was high on Ecstasy or not.
How long does MDMA stay in your saliva?
Saliva tests are not much standard because they are trusted compared to the blood and urinary tests for the detection of drugs. Ecstasy can be found in your saliva for about 5 to 10 hours after you have consumed it. The duration might be more for people addicted to taking 4 to 5 shots in one go. The time duration for Ecstasy is much less tolerating considering the amount of time for which alcohol stays in your body.
Negative effects of MDMA (Molly/Ecstasy)
Setting aside the common effects of consuming this most dangerous drug, there are also plenty of other long term impacts that can lead to severe damage to your physical and mental health. Critical damage to the brain and dysfunction of the central nervous system are among the most significant impacts ecstasies can cast upon your body. Other adverse effects of Ecstasy might include:
- Intestinal infection
- Slurred speech
- Loss of sleep
Short term
- memory loss
- Brain strokes
- Tumor
- Liver cancer
Tips for Giving up on Ecstasy (MDMA/Molly) Usage 😃
I understand that giving up on a particular drug is not at all easy! Talking about meth, alcohol, and Ecstasy, these common drugs in students have now cast such a golden impact on the youngsters that they do not even consider leaving it for one scheduled day. Below I am dropping some tips for you; you may try if you are struggling to give up on Ecstasy and are failing again and again. Remember one fact that HARD WORK DEFINITELY PAYS OFF!
Make your taste buds familiar with other fluids that have the same sour taste as Ecstasy. This will make you go away from this intoxicating drug and adopt the harmless juices to refresh your mind.
Try staying away from people or parties that involves consumption of drug as a necessity. The more you stay away, the better it will be for you to leave this drug and move on with your life in a healthier way.
Depression Treatment other than MDMA Use
About ¾ of the entire population who are drug-addicted, take drugs to treat their depression. Let me tell you that there is better depression treatment now available with the medical technology that would not harm you and cure you. Sticking to natural depression treatments is also a good option if you are consuming drugs just because they feel depressed and mentally ill.
Try spending time with your friends and colleagues, and this will help brighten your mood and forget about all the worries and problems that give you depression. Seeking help from a medical expert can also prove out to be celebrated in many cases.
Do not think that you are way too far now on drug addiction, and there’s no way back! There is always a way, still a door, if you try to look out for it. Please consider all the ill effects of drug abuse and try giving up on them as soon as possible. I wish you the best of luck for the no drug journey ahead!